January: Yoga as Medicine

Hi friends,

Happy New Year and welcome to 2021! I’ve a feeling that this will be a year of continued growth. And no, that’s not a nice way of saying ‘navigating another shit storm’ but more like graduating from secondary school to college. I don’t know about you, but I’m excited to see what happens. :)

As many of you know, I completed my 300hr a few weeks ago and I’m not going to lie - a few tears were shed. Somehow, our fearless leader Grace Jull led a beautiful virtual ceremony and it felt insanely personal.

I’ve become a little more reserved in how I share myself - I don’t know why. Mostly because 2020 has been such a tough year for so many and I didn’t want to add to the load. But this right here was an amazing experience. For the first time, I truly understood the statement that yoga is medicine.

This has been a year where although I have had many wins, I’ve experienced deep emotional strikes. I’ve cried more than I’d have liked. I’ve punched more walls than I should have. I’ve lost more sleep due to stress on personal issues that I’m surprised each day that I function at all. I’ve gone as far as booking a flight home to Ireland for a month to be with my parents.

Yet, here I am. Reflecting on the medicine that Grace has gifted us. Where we embodied each chakra. Created practices to support ourselves in the time of need. It healed a lot of me. And the ripple has been felt in my home.

We can feel out of balance in so so many ways. Scattered mentally. Flighty. Digestive issues. Racing heart. Sleepless nights. Fiery arguments for no reason. Our energy shows its form and sometimes, we just don’t listen as to why. Or know how to.

My journey through the chakras, subtle anatomy and gross anatomy over the last 3 months has opened up my eyes. And it’s now a daily practice to meditate, practice pranayama and attune to how am I doing each morning. Back in 2015 when I had my breakdown, my dad would ask me everyday “How are you feeling?”. I would cry of course because that’s not something you asked a person back then (and here I am crying again at his compassion) but it’s a lesson I’ll carry in my own practice where I sit and converse with my subtle self.

The chakras are incredibly powerful. It’s a piece of the medicine that yoga can bring. And I can’t wait to share this with you.

Check out my next series below. Spots are very limited and it’s already filling up! I haven’t promoted this on IG yet so sign up before January 6th if you plan on joining for 7 weeks of self care! <3

Lots of love,


PS - I’m still going home in March but the intent has now shifted from a place where I’m going to hide. It’ll be to hug the people who gave me this life and to thank them for all they’ve done.


January: Tools to Navigate Difficult Times


December: When your bib melts and you feel like blowing up