Core Values:
Satya/ Truthfulness
To practice this everyday by speaking my truth, seeking the truth, communicating clearly and to hold space for others doing the same.
Ahimsa/ Non Violence
To lead with the heart and to find compassion and understanding for those who are suffering. To be mindful of actions and words that can impact others physically, emotionally and mentally. To never judge anyone based on their sexual orientation, the color of their skin, religious/ spiritual beliefs, learning or physical abilities, age or anything else that might make them a minority and instead act as an unwavering advocate and ally.
Svadhyaya/ Self Study
To continue to deepen her knowledge of the yoga practice so as to better serve students and community members. By paying closer observation to her own behaviors, how they impact her and others and recognizing where harm is being done and when healthy connections are being made with the true self and those within her life.
Since beginning my teaching journey in 2018, I’ve been a continuous student of yoga and all of the healing benefits it can bring. Having come to yoga and finding it reduce my severe anxiety and mental health struggles, I aim to share this practice in an actionable way.
Currently a student attending the Breathing Deeply School of Yoga Therapy, I’m passionate about integrating different frameworks to best support a client’s healing journey.
My love of yogic philosophy, story telling, movement and breath keeps me rooted in the practice.
Having recently moved to the White Mountain area of Conway, New Hampshire, I can usually be found either buried in a book (or 5), out on a trail or in the kitchen trying to tackle a new recipe.